Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
Brown marmorated stink bug ukiyo-e style
I live in an old building with old windows and screens. Each fall I await the invasion.
- In the fall, they swarm en-mass in waves to find places to hibernate.
- An empty screen could have 30-40 bugs on it 5 minutes later.
- Living near farmland probably means my swarms are more significant.
- NEVER EVER use your vacuum to collect them; it will smell for months.
- Once inside, they search out dark cracks for the winter.
- Drawers & Rubbermaid storage bins are trendy.
- If you find a few, you probably have very many hidden.
- Starting in January, the restless ones will start to creep out for a peek. They are much less stinky and quite lethargic then.
This Years Battle Plan
- Paper towels drizzled with peppermint oil stuffed in window cracks.
- Sticky bug tape along the inside edges of screens.
- Closing windows during sunny afternoons when they swarm most often.
Symbolism style vintage camera on floor
I’m stuck inside that phase where the anticipation of taking a great photo is viciously murdered by the reality of an ordinary photo.
Big Fan
Street Art style blase man
As I age, I am no longer ever a “really big fan” of popular people or things.
I love not having that passion.
I miss that passion.
How Text To Image Generators Work
Text To Image Generator Pop Surealism style
A very good overview of Ai image generators. Examples are shown using MidJourney.
Harnessing the Power of Ai Art (YouTube)
And a corresponding article on the School of Motion website here.
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